Well, that leaves David McCallum and John Layton so much as I can figure……..
Well, that leaves David McCallum and John Layton so much as I can figure……..
I actually think it was during.
Damn shame that we had to lose another brilliant weirdo to drugs. He will be sorely missed.
There's a story that I heard a few years ago. It does involve a celebrity, but not an extremely well-known one. Roddy McDowell grew up in the business and stayed in it for decades, yet never really became a big player. Sure he had steady work but he wasn't what you call a "star" by any means. However, when he died…
Nail on the head.
All I know is that he made me and a lot of other people laugh. Hell, if you @LucasCorso:disqus made me laugh or any number of other people, it would still be a loss to the world.
You honestly have a good point there. I mean, that's what painkillers are there for. I just know that he was someone who had an addiction that he was able to conquer and part of me feels that he had pride in that and it gives me (and hopefully others) solace that he beat that up to the end. But even if he did…
I am happy to hear that the world won't be able to throw the added stigma of a relapse on to this already sad story. Let's face it, this is a post-TMZ world we live in and they would have a field day with it.
From what I've learned, depression robs you of your senses at first. You lose the ability to see all the good things around you and what good things you do and possess. Then you can't hear the good things that are said about you and by that point you start losing any and all hope. I've personally had to re-wire my…
I am happy to hear that he went out sober too, but it's still a heart-breaking loss to well, the entire planet.
I heard that she was a horse!
I was interested in this already but then when it hit me with that name, I was sold. I look forward to getting some strange for sure…….
Well, if you look at background singers as a whole you see that they probably deserve something self-congratulating since they have never received the recognition they deserved for what they did. I thought it was a great insight to an extremely overlooked facet of the art form.
I really hope they don't fuck this up. This could be awesome.
I'd like to split their hairs……………
Actually, I have been easing up on that one. I had an eggplant hoagie at Homeslice and I rather enjoyed it.
Everybody that I hated in school back then seemingly had a bowl cut.
Yeah. I did. Cut it off as soon as I joined the Football team.
Dear God…..I think I just had a flashback to Elementary School with that list………and my mullet almost grew back.
I'd drop the Whitney Houston and swap "Need You Tonight" for "Never Tear Us Apart".