Jake The Snake

Yeah, hipsters are lame and all but none of these bands really strike me as the "Hipster" type of music that I associate the term with. High on Fire? Makes me think of the dude who works at my garage with sleeve tattoos and a pipe hung around his neck that's concealed by his giant beard.

I remember my older brother telling me that he drank it once and had never thrown up so much from drinking in his life. I asked him if he got drunk and he said that he drank two and literally started hurling while sober.

:: runs over to jukebox, cues up "Foggy Mountain Breakdown" ::

Why no, go right ahead!!!!

I just really wish there was a live version of "Change of Heart" on the non-box set version.


According to the band he moved back to Florida and is now a local producer and writer in St. Augustine. No bad blood apparently either.

Let us know if he follows through with it.

Actually it was Howie Epstein who hated it according to the documentary. But then again Stan Lynch hated everything after a while.

Like most everybody, I will at least give this a listen. He's written some pretty big checks over the years and I've heard one track already and it looks pretty promising.

Looks to be a 335 with the small block inlays on the neck. 335's have either those or the rarer dot inlays. 345's got the split parallelograms and the 355's have the block inlays. @avclub-b3d29f8f22c60a4b2c5fc2b1691c1d62:disqus is on the money with his comment and yes, Petty and Campbell recorded the entire "Mojo"

I would say great, but that's not doggin' it. "Walls" is one of the most underrated songs they've ever done.

Thank you!!! I couldn't remember that line verbatim.

I was thinking that but you gotta remember that Spader faced off with McCarthy in "Pretty in Pink", "Less Than Zero" AND "Mannequin" and is 0-3. He's gotta even up the score.

Yeah this is all nice and good but when is the show going to cast James Spader's all-time arch nemesis Andrew McCarthy?

Eighth season was a bit of a sleeper with a few funny moments but Season 9 really came back hard. So yes, it's worth your time.

The section that Frank writes about bangin' whores is worth the price alone. I hear he's saving his tips on "Making That Whore Your Wife" for his own book titled: "How To Be Wasted and Bang Whores For The Rest of Your Life"

I think that means you win……

SHUT UP NERD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want this to happen. I want this to not suck. I want Bruce Campbell to perform at my Birthday Party. I want at least two of these things………..(crosses fingers for birthday party)