I liked B-Team better than Indian Takers.
I liked B-Team better than Indian Takers.
Kickstart this shit!
what just happened I DONT what the fuck I cant breath
Hopefully Matt Smith will go down in history as the better of the two. It really depends on his final episodes. I'm in the minority but i think Tennant is vastly overrated and his final episode was pretty shit too which really didn't help on his Doctor's short comings.
Matt Smith = The Grinch
This is very depressing. I was under the impression (and hope) that Matt Smith would continue being the Doctor for many years to come, but alas it was not meant to be… Imagining him regenerate into some new bloke breaks my heart. This new guy has some big shoes to fill!
Look sir, droids!
I love both Adam Scott and Chris Pratt to death, but c'mon - It's Ron Swanson we're talking about!
I blame Disney for screwing around with airdates. Next episode is June 28
I hope Diana Rigg takes home the win for best guest spot. She steals every scene she's in!
Yeah, but there's still a shocking amount of Big Bang Theory noms. Not as many as usual, but still around 6?
"Arrested Westeros"
Yay, you recognize "Concerned Star Trek Guy!"
Oh hey a Danish series on AV Club! Being Danish myself, this is quite cool :3
I really liked the first half of the season, but this second half has been a let down. There has been good stuff (like Hide and Bells) but other than that, it's mostly just been 'meh'
I'd buy that for a $1.00!
Wow, are you really Garrett?! CRISIS ALERT
That would be so cool if they did that! Unless Harmon had some small input on Season 4 I dont see as canon.