Hamlet 2
I really enjoyed that movie and the first time I saw the ending it blew my mind. I ended up going back within a day or two to see it again so I could see it without my mind exploding.
Hamlet 2
I really enjoyed that movie and the first time I saw the ending it blew my mind. I ended up going back within a day or two to see it again so I could see it without my mind exploding.
Little Mosque on the Prairie
Has anyone else here seen that show? What do you think of it?
It's not culturally insensitive to have listened to the soundtrack because neither this show or that movie were actually Indian.
Space Cases. Short enough run that it could be done in a summer, created by Bill Mumy and Peter David and starring Kayle from firefly. It was a really fun sf kids show with lots of great nerdy plots and guest stars.
ST: TAS would be interesting, but I don't know how fast people will get bored of it.
It's a fun game, but on the computer it's nothing special. There are plenty of games like it online. I suppose on the iPad it's a bit more interesting since you get to fling them with your fingers instead of a mouse.
There was a review a few weeks back for the first two episodes. I think the reviewer thought it was an okay show, but wasn't interested in doing it weekly.
Agreed. The episodes that they spend more than a week on tend to be the weakest and the least relevant (since they tend to deal with topics that became boring months ago and don't say anything new).
Fucking joke
I thought the comments before Cartman's line about his mom fucking him said to his mom was funny, but it's been done on SNL. Twice. There was a sketch where the leader of China would ask Obama to do the same things (but much more detailed and funnier).
Decent youtube comments: I've actually seen some. I'm not sure if they're liked here, but the nerdfighter community has actually had some good conversations in the comments and also through video responses. They also did Project 4 Awesome, where they gamed YouTube's comment system for a day in order to get videos…
Fit TV!
Also not a Munn fan, but maybe this will work, especially if the character open acknowledges that she just pretends to care about finances in order to make wall street get a hard on for her. Or something like that.
Mad Love
So I might have seen this listed on the TV Club and decided that I should drop in on it again so I'll have seen the show for the review.
Agreed. I think the problem is that the viewers/actors/writers are spread out over four/five different shows trying to do the same thing and it's spread too thin for any of them to last.
Figured it out: Tiny Castle.
Trying to remember a game
I'm not sure if it was in a SG, but it's the type of game that would be. It was probably flash, maybe a similar style to Monster Castle. THe game had you playing a hero going through a castle/dungeon, but the dungeon/castle was only one room large. As you'd get through it and get close to…
It kind of reminds me of Archer, where the first season established the characters and the second season was for the writers and actors to really flesh them out and explore what makes them tick.
This is also a high profile case because of the mayoral candidate connection, so there's no way the police are just going to drop it less than a week in. I can see them thinking about quitting the case once we're in the double digits of episodes just so the show can have some extra drama to build toward the finale,…
The Great American Morp: take some of the minor characters that didn't go to prom and show their awesome adventures on prom night.