
"More surprisingly, he leaves Ygritte behind, even knocking her to the ground as she tries to protect him. Why? That I need to unpack"

The situation with Theon is fucked for reasons that no one can really control. In the books, Theon disappears after book 2 and doesn't appear again for the torture storyline until book 5. Since they wanted to keep the actor on for season 3, they had no choice but to use his book 5 storyline _very slowly_, lest his

Sorry, this one isn't getting to a million comments, because not enough people care about the show anymore.
Weird story: back in season 3, I was trying to think of what they could do for their paintball episode, since they did "action movie" and "western movie" in seasons 1 and 2. Of course, they took the correct

"I’m fairly certain the former Maester who treats Jaime’s wounds is supposed to be somebody, but for the life of me, I can’t figure out who. Thoughts?"