
I actually liked Battlefield Earth, but this is undoubtedly and absolutely true.

Wow, I was just kind of kidding. I didn't even know that Hubbard actually said that.

Wow, I was just kind of kidding. I didn't even know that Hubbard actually said that.

HBO should use that as their tag line for Season 2:

HBO should use that as their tag line for Season 2:

I can pretty much guarantee that John King couldn't care less what Aaron Sorkin thinks or writes on his show.

I can pretty much guarantee that John King couldn't care less what Aaron Sorkin thinks or writes on his show.

With the possible exception of Don, believing any of these characters have their jobs  requires a greater suspension of disbelief than is humanly possible.

With the possible exception of Don, believing any of these characters have their jobs  requires a greater suspension of disbelief than is humanly possible.

What's an Internet troll?

What's an Internet troll?

I am working on a theory and I think it's pretty solid.

I am working on a theory and I think it's pretty solid.

They're all the worst.

They're all the worst.

I thought it was kind of ironic that they chose this episode to mock Andrew Breitbart, seeing as how he was the one who — correctly — blew out of the water all of Weiner's attempted lies & excuses for his tweets (e.g. - "my account was hacked").

I thought it was kind of ironic that they chose this episode to mock Andrew Breitbart, seeing as how he was the one who — correctly — blew out of the water all of Weiner's attempted lies & excuses for his tweets (e.g. - "my account was hacked").

On the other hand, sometimes shit is just shit. Polish it all you want, it won't ever be a gem.

On the other hand, sometimes shit is just shit. Polish it all you want, it won't ever be a gem.