Bloody Bloody Andrew Johnson

Guys, chill. He just meant jacking off his obese neighbor.

Gah. Can't we speed this unregistered genocide up a bit?

Make a Down by The Water video. It's the best song on the album!

Archmage I will give 10+ gold to finance that movie.

The AVC Gestapo is on their way.

Yooooooooooouuuuuuuu cheated!

@Delicious Malk

Google says nyet. Sooooo….. I think we're safe.

Brave is still on time and on target. Quite franlkly, I haven't looked forward to a Pixar flick this much since Wall E.

Billy Corgan and John Mayer are still alive, slick.

Metallica Machine Music, duh.

Couldja imagine if Jackson Pollack made a Call of Duty game? It'd probably be a good approximation of what it's like to be a coked up child soldier in Liberia.

Don't worry pard, I'll be there to upvote your lame jokes.

Whoa. Having a 90s flashback.

Well, there's fire on the mountain and lightning in the air…..

Horror doesn't work so good when interrupted with cell phone ads.

And yet no one wants more sexy butlers…..

You think he likes ham? wait till you see me like ham!

Creepy dolls?