Also LaToya I can really tell the toll reviewing RAW has had on you over the weeks. Please get the go ahead to review fun wrestling shows for your own sake!
Also LaToya I can really tell the toll reviewing RAW has had on you over the weeks. Please get the go ahead to review fun wrestling shows for your own sake!
Acknowledging Bryan and Brie's relationship in kayfabe is always an awful idea because it's a cheap way to quickly make Brie a face by association when she's usually a heel.
This was an alright episode mainly thanks to the KOTR stuff. Really I think the reason they've brought back KOTR is because they need something for the IC crowd to do before they have a definite answer to Daniel Bryan's condition of whether he can compete or if they have to take the title from him yet again. It was…
This generation's "We comin' for you…!" ?
Future US Champion Heath Slater is going to be the new Axelmania.
I'd like Joe to have a match against Cena since they're old friends but all the rumors point to Joe debuting in NXT instead.
They spilled into the filming of "The French Mistake".
Ah snap, can't believe I missed The Bastard as a Rosebud.
This was a weird RAW. A lot of WTF match ups that seemed very wrestling for the sake of wrestling, which can be fun in small doses but if overdone like this episode derails whatever storytelling there might be.
Hard to kill the "women hate each other" comments when almost all the
main roster divas are villains now. Is what Emma doing in NXT at the
moment canon to RAW?
Big Show wants pants too!
Brawling where the hits look like they hurt or connect would be fine. Those rapid punches aren't stiff enough.
-Man fuck this RAW's self-satisfying smark crowd. I though it was funny at first when they 100% booed Cena but I should have known what kind of crowd would do that. People I follow on twitter who where there said what assholes they where being. This was an A- RAW with a D- crowd.
In a few years you know there's going to be a wrestler who's a big fan
of Giant Bomb and get's him a ringside seat and a shout out on Raw. I
hate that man's infinite luck.
Awesome Kong/Kharma's at TNA right now. Doubt she would go back to WWE where she barely appeared, though part of that was because of her unfortunate miscarriage.
Vince is secretly a big fan of Fist of the North Star and will never forgive him for being in the live action movie.
I'd be fine with her keeping the Rear View as a signature. It might play off stereotypes about Black women with big butts but she does indeed have a big butt that might hurt to be hit with. But no amount of booty is believable as a painful, all-powerful finisher.
This Is Racist clapclap clapclapclap can totally work.