The Rainbow Creature

A good suggestion I read is that people should instead chant stuff like "Awful Gimmick" or "This Gimmick Sucks". Come on wrestling fans, have some constructive criticism in your negative chants.

To be fair, isn't ARMBAR a term that's really only used in r/squaredcircle?

Mizdow didn't need to win he just needed to turn on The Miz and eliminate him to progress his story. Itami winning wouldn't mean much since he's not debuting yet anyway although I think he should have lasted longer if they wanted a "Here's why NXT is cool" guy. Axel probably should have won but either a) they actually

Doesn't help that they showed that "Adrian Neville" was trending on twitter shortly after. There's only two camps for "Neville's" debut: NXT fans who think the name change was pointless and people who don't know him who then ask said NXT fans what's up with his name. I think in a short amount of time Vince will

*AJ Lee.

I love Stephanie's heel work because she eats up the scenery and when her and Triple H are together onscreen they just become Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd. The problem is that unlike her father she never gets any comeuppance. Aside from Vickie Guerrero pushing her into mud on her way out when she retired and Ronda

They now have the opportunity to make people like Roman again and his first match is against Big Show and Kane? Do they want Roman to just be eaten alive on his way down the stairs?

I originally thought Bray had to win against Undertaker because otherwise he'd have nothing to do afterwards. But thinking about it more I think this could be good for him in the long term. Like most people I thought Bray had to win because Taker only had so many matches left in him but he's gotten into the best shape

This was a fantastic Mania for someone who didn't really get into wrestling until last SummerSlam. It still had bad build up and it doesn't solve WWE's long term problems but it was one very fun night. If Mania 31 was a person it would wear an "Old Guys Rule" shirt though.

Damn it how do they not realize they're a perfect team! Aloof Goth and ditzy blonde!

She's also Puerto Rican.

Or teacher comes out and gives Reigns a time out for trying to take Lesnar's toy without permission.

This is the most I have enjoyed watching Raw yet. Good matches throughout even from the midcard ones I wouldn't normally care about (the lack of Kane and/or Big Show probably has to do with that). Decent commentary with no R-Truth, instead he was actually good in his tag match with Ambrose, and even had a pretty

The Bellas are just that over-tanned.

It was a weird combination of teams though. Just throwing all the midcard faces against all the midcard heels.

Holy shit Zack Ryder was on Raw!

Still seems in bad taste to not consider the little person a human.

You had me until having Sasha as a sideling. The Boss isn't below anybody.

It's more butt-rock and bad rap now.

Got to keep suffering so we can get those fun reviews. Come on NXT!