
Really? The 90% Tomatometer didn't do it for you?

The first 13 episodes of their resurrection, while inconsistent, did have some fantastic episodes that ranked with the best of Futurama, and certainly did inspire hope that future episodes would continue the high quality.

I think they should make another movie.

This movie actually looks incredible.

Let's all pretend Community wasn't negatively compared to the Big Bang Theory.

All art is quite useless.

I like seeing the constant fluctuation of the community grade. It's back to a B+!

When Reunion gets a B, an episode up there with season 2, something is wrong.

I love how there's almost 500 comments already.

And on the topic of "Reunion", I'd like to point out that season 3 has at least 15 A/A- episodes (the total number of episodes in season 2) and that it's reputation is a bit…unfair.

Reunion is definitely one of the best they've ever done. I still can't believe it only got a B from here (though the user rating is much higher)

Series: "Beginning of the End", "Mazel Tov, Dummies", "Game Over" and "Finale"- and if that doesn't count as 2 episodes, then "Stride of Pride"

Nope- correct order:

One thing to clear up: is Jack the CEO still, with that idea and everything?

If you count it, season 3 of 30 Rock had as many good episodes of season 2. It's an incredible season of television.

I've never seen anyone make it out as "terrible". I've seen "comeback" and "creative resurgence", but not " terrible". You must be thinking of the underrated season 4.

You heard it here first: the 30 Rock finale is excellent!

That was honestly one of the best they've ever done. I can't believe it's ending, but what a perfect way to go out.

Even if they screw up next week, it'll still be one of the finest final seasons ever.

What episode is this from, again?