Janine Restrepo

N.B.: Do not do this.

Better late than never!

Better late than never!


The thing is that there's no reason for NBC to put Community in a non-deadly time slot. It would have been great in 2010, but at this point they know the audience that Community can consistently get with no lead-in, and that's a valuable enough asset that it makes sense for the show to be put there.

At the same time, I hope.

Based on my (essentially nonexistent) command of the language, I think that should read "Nu să poți a bate Poe clasic."

Do you ever get tired of being a dick?

What's there to see? It's exactly the same version of Disqus that other sites use. We know what it'll look like.

And if I had to do the same again, I would, my friend.

Yeah, it's too bad, but I'm pretty much done commenting on the AV Club.

I often pronounce things I see according to their X-SAMPA values. I may not be normal.

I'm the one who keeps coming in as a guest because I can't actually enter.

I can't enter at all. I get to the room just fine, but when I enter my name and hit Go it doesn't let me in.

arigato heeeeeey

So I literally can't take Applied Probability and Statistics I next semester because it conflicts with the class I have to take for the honors program in history. I can't even take any other class to fill its place because everything else has Calculus III as a prerequisite, and I'm not taking that until next semester.

Are you from St. Louis?

Yeah, this just sounds like every episode of Parks and Recreation.

1. The links you post.
2. That you're on Tinychat so much despite your absurd time zone.
3. That you were on Tinychat with us all the time in the summer of 2012. Those were some fun times.
4. That you take the time to write long and detailed answers when people ask things here.
5. Your very confusing use of two different

Yeah, Omelianchik was fantastic, and we won't see anything like her work again with the way that gymnastics has changed.