
I also loved Tim's instructions to "borrow appropriately" from the accessory wall. Like maybe people had been borrowing Inappropriately. "Jarrell, shoes go on the feet not the head." "Blayne, take that out of your mouth right now. Ugh, youth."

I was refering to the silce o' zebra only. I also enjoyed their use of color and leathaaa.

I want "slutty, slutty, slutty" as my new ringtone. Friends,neighboors, strangers with hear the trill of MK from the bottom of my bag. (slightly muffled) "Slutty, slutty, slutty." And I can say "OH, that's me!" Hooray for the Kors soundsnit!

Really? No one is going to bring up the Z Carravici-esque belt-complete with a cheeky back flip for extra insouciance? Though I think I noticed they had it turned around in the next shot. HK thought it was "cooo…l" but I bet it just made everyone else embarassed and a little sad.