Bill Amutis

I really haven't seen enough of Peter Sarsgaard to make a judgement call.  ("Green Lantern"? , "The Mysteries Of Pittsburgh", can anybody recommend a good movie he's been in?)  But he's stunning in this season and I'll argue that Enos and Kinnaman have been great throughout and the main reason I kept with it for

Fifteen minutes into this episode I decided I was out.  I just didn't care what happened to ANYBODY on this recycled turd of a show. My wife was more generous, giving it the full hour before she walked away, too. Think of a Joe Eszterhas rewrite of "Deadwood" directed by Tony Scott on crack.

Damn, remember the drubbing AMC's "The Killing" got up here?  And this glossy, full of itself, telegraphing every emotion beforehand, anachronistic turd of a show gets a B-?  Geez, where are the standards?  
  Granted, Meaney eats scenery better than anyone this side of Al Pacino, and The Swede probably deserves his

I think AVC just wants to show that it's unprejudiced toward the show with its grading, but then blows its cover with some of the best analysis going on a show.  Really, if this entire season wasn't hovering around A territory would there be this much to talk about?  
   Brilliant, funny, riveting episode.  Easy A.