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    It's mostly due to writing the show like a sitcom. More so than any other teen drama, GG resets everything after 3-4 episodes. Except for some season one stuff. I was actually thinking about Nate/Blair being the love of each others' lives in season one, I'd appreciate her at the altar with him trying to recapture that

    I actually liked Glory Days. I thought it was pretty ridiculous and horribly written, but compared to a lot of stupid procedurals now, it was at least fun and inventive. Like the "vampire" on the show who was draining people of blood to use in his paintings? That was awesome.

    The thing that irritates me about the show is its refusal to really do anything OTT. They always end up being lame, like when Serena was all "I killed someone!" or the aforementioned car crash. I wish it could embrace it's nighttime soap quality and let somebody important die, besides Bart Bass. Vanessa or Jenny or

    Pretty good episode. I was engaged in everyone's new status quo, even if it was only the next day after the finale. The sex scene was beyond hot, I'm looking forward to Alicia/Will's new relationship and the shake ups will create among the canvas. Already hoping for more Kalinda/Will friendship scenes and a new

    I enjoyed it too. It was fun and sort of a perfect fit with Desperate Housewives, which I'd watched right before it. I'm interested to see how future episodes are at least, like whether they'll still use flashbacks or not. The spy stuff worked surprisingly well too and just added to the overall fun nature of the

    I won't speak for other people, but I know I watched Whitney out of morbid curiosity and to see if it was really that bad. It was and I bailed halfway through. A lot of friends also watched the premiere and decided it was awful and won't be back. I'd imagine Whitney will lose close to 50% of the people who watched it

    I'd love for behind the scenes tidbits and idea of what going into making the AV Club, as opposed to just links to what's been posted. Because we can get that from Twitter/the site.

    Seriously. Unless they're gonna make her a real character this time around. And the actress took some acting lessons…

    I actually do know the difference. I'm also not even a person to point out goofy stuff like that, but last week's subtext was OFF the richter to the point where several friends, gay and straight, of mine brought it up to me and asked if I'd read something about them going there.

    Ah! I just mentioned this upthread, I loved VR Troopers (one of the Lawrence brothers was in it!) and Big Bad Beetleborgs. Those were made for American audiences and not repurposed, so surely they hold up better?

    I've yet to try to rewatch VR Troopers or Big Bad Beetleborgs. I was obsessed with them as a kid, and they were specifically made for American audiences, so maybe they hold up better.

    Such was Buffy's curse.

    Definitely tried to rewatch Power Rangers after a flurry of Facebook status updates from friends saying they were doing the same. I watched the show with my mother, she seemed to enjoy it well enough, so it couldn't be THAT bad.

    Fantastic episode. The show really is self-assured and knows what it's doing this season, which is really welcome because I'm used to teen shows going off the rails around season three. But it looks like the awesome second season will pale in comparison to the heights this season might reach.

    That's mostly what I meant. I'd love if it turned into a sweeping government conspiracy thing, but I'm not super optimistic since it's on CBS. But maybe I could hope for some serialization on the character front, a la Good Wife.

    But the idea of it turning up someone who could potentially die makes it somewhat more science fiction. None of these people in the show are tagged with "suspicious activity," at least not from the pilot.

    Oddly enough, I really liked this one. Maybe it's the Abrams factor and the hint that it might turn into more — I'd love for it to turn from a procedural into a myth-based show like Fringe did — but I thought it was at least a bit more interesting than "cop show." So if I'm in the mood to watch a procedural, but tired

    I honestly think if this show was done "Anchorman" style, set in the 70s with a lot of camp and meta humor, it would at least be something I want to watch. Because I like the original series and the first movie. But lord… no.

    I agree. While some people still have discerning tastes with their escapism, like "Castle" doesn't really appeal to me, I can watch and dissect "Mad Men" while also tuning in to watch "Gossip Girl" just to have some fun.

    I don't know, after casting Coach (who used to be crazier) and especially Phillip last season, maybe they would have. However, I'm not sure how you can tell he'd freak out by the sight of women like Mikayla unless he tried to kill a woman during casting.