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    I was glad they were all at least distinctive enough to be able to differentiate them, but I'd still like some variety in upcoming issues. I'm sure there will be.

    Ooh, thanks for the Promethea suggestion. I had Elegy on my list, but I'll ad that too.

    On the flipside, I wasn't familiar with Batwoman at all but it was recommended to me by a friend and I was able to follow everything pretty perfectly.

    I am absolutely in love with Batwoman #1. I didn't know the backstory at all, since I don't follow much of the DC Universe. But it was incredibly easy to jump into and I got just the right amount of information to follow along.

    True Blood is completely embarrassing at this point. TVD should really be the big vampire deal on TV.

    Liked it a lot too, I think it will settle into its "big idea." At least, I hope so. But this was a lot better than Up All Night, which I liked the leads in but didn't really find any jokes to laugh at during.

    Not just the bloodiness, the horror factor was really amped up too. I loved the moment when one of the girls tried to bolt from Klaus and ran into Stefan at the door. Then the moment when Andie was in the news station being stalked by Stefan. A lot of really nice touches.

    One thing — I thought there was a bad dubbing for a second in the Alaric and Damon scene where the head fell off. Because Alaric makes his "put them together?" question after the head fell off, I thought it'd be funnier if the head full off in answer to his question.

    This season is the season justifying liking The Vampire Diaries needs to end. This and The Good Wife (and I'd say Fringe) are THE best network dramas on TV right now. And the first two I'd argue are up there with the good cable dramas too. I had really high expectations too and I'm glad the show doesn't seem to have

    I'm giving it three episodes, but yeah, I came here to post the same. After seeing the pilot, it was SO DULL. I felt like it was slowly dripping towards an inevitable conclusion. And one thing I'll say about TVD is that it is rather unpredictable. There's always some really good twists in it.

    He was talking about network dramas, and I'd rank TVD up there with The Good Wife and Fringe as the best network dramas. It's a good fantasy show and while it's incredibly plot driven, I love the characters too. One of the better "teen" dramas in years.

    I agree. Since it's from TVD producers, I'll even give it a few more than a couple episodes. When I tell my friends to get into TVD, I say wait until episode 6 which is where it really kicks in. I'm sure the network was very involved in trying to make this "just right" and once those restraints are broken through,

    I really love Big Brother, but I can't abide the show's ridiculous antics. No competition reality show I've seen plays with viewer results and what they present to an audience more than this show. Editing vile characters into heroes (like general distasteful and homophobic Jeff) and all but parading them through a

    The spelling of this show makes me think The CW missed a prime opportunity to have Avril Lavigne host this.

    Man, what a H8R that bitch was.

    I am in love with this. SMG. The cheesy 1930s Hollywood green screen effects. Low budget "noir" lighting. Dime store pulp writing.

    I think the show was a fucking mess this year, but somehow, better than last year. Season 2 is still my favorite, since I was invested in both the MaryAnn and Fellowship of the Sun plots. Season 3, the only time I was interested involved vampires and Russell. This season, aside from vamps/witches, some of the other

    The issue to me is that on a show like say, Buffy, we have the world in peril. On Breaking Bad, characters' very souls are at risk. Like, I fear that someone will do something horrible and never be able to come back from it. True Blood this season in particular has been like watching a marathon of The Perils of

    Bring 'Em Back Alive has one of the best opening credits sequences ever, I've always loved watching it ever since I found it on YouTube a while back. It takes the whole staring at the camera thing to insanely hilarious levels. I like to imagine the upcoming TV version of Romancing the Stone will be as hilarious as

    This relaunch excites me, if only because I've loved DC characters but mostly through TV and movies. I've never read too many DC titles, expect for some of the more important Batman arcs.  I'm mostly a Marvel reader. But this is giving me the opportunity to check out some newer stuff, because whenever I've tried