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    @Rowan Nice.

    Stick with it
    The show is quite good and intriguing, it becomes really good. The pilot is a mix of this show and a previous show that F/X passed on, but loved the lead actor. The second episode works on taking it in the new writers' creative direction, and the third is the one that really starts out their mission

    They were particularly horrendous in "Amends"

    Yeah, it got an F. This point in the series aired when I was a junior in high school and wasn't read much online criticism (not that there was much then anyway), so I assumed most people felt that way. The rest of season three got around C's, or C-'s.

    I was glad to see some love for "Dad" and the way that this story is shaping up. I wasn't fine with all of the elements when they originally aired, but upon rewatching them, I really enjoy season 3.

    Ridiculous product placement
    As a fan of Days of Our Lives, the product placement on the show is (well, maybe used to be since we haven't seen any since this went viral) a thing of beauty.

    I love Majaela
    My friends and I are Facebook friends with her — each song has been successively more hilarious.

    I actually love this show
    I plowed through four seasons during the summer before the premiere, and it was a fun take on a cop show. Obviously, the conceit worked better in the first couple of seasons where everyone hated her for being an outsider, but even then it still had some fun tension.

    And if many people agree with it, I must necessarily be contrary and not like it? What's the point being made here?

    Man Down
    Is my favorite track on the album. Largely, this is more of a "Rated R didn't sell well, let's stick out a bunch of pop hits" album, which I guess succeeded because Only Girl and What's My Name have hit the top of the charts. But it's less cohesive than her last two, and so not a favorite, but California King

    I put all three together in iTunes
    And stuck the acoustics at the end (with the Dancehall Queen Remix being last), it makes for a great listen, if that's worth anything. I think the trifecta of Dancing On My Own/Hang With Me/Call Your Girlfriend is fucking phenomenal.

    Better than Animal
    It doesn't have the monster "hits" but the production is better and she's got some good producers/writers, one of whom worked on Robyn's album. I don't see why Hyden liking this makes his music taste questionable, but then again that's one of the eternal questions of the internet whenever someone on

    I've been rewatching some of the series — my friend is making (it was a chore for the first few episodes, now we're mid-season 2 and he's watching them by himself) her boyfriend watch the show, and I stop by on episodes I enjoy — I saw "Ted" two nights ago. And for me, this will always be one of my favorite episodes.

    Felt more like Steve
    I was definitely moved by Stewart's speech, and as someone who got to the rally by 9am, I definitely saw more signs that were politically motivated, than the goofier ones. I also saw less people in costume, it was more people who lived in D.C./People (like me) who came in the night before and

    I actually enjoyed the episode too. I'm pretty sick of the theme episodes, but I felt like this episode at least attempted to string together a story. As creepy as Will's gotten, it was true to the jerk he's become. And I actually liked the teen story too, but wish they'd done more with it.

    Still can't believe I watch this
    Not because it isn't good, this show is fucking stellar. And it's my favorite network TV drama right now aside from (go ahead laugh) The Vampire Diaries, which excels as a masterclass in plotting.

    I completely agree. Living in NYC myself, this is actually more ridiculous that Real Housewives of NYC. I don't know, I feel like those shows show the women at least attempting to make more money, have real status, and hobknob with actual important people.

    Such a beautiful episode
    It's really been the season of the women, I think. I wonder if Peggy's comments of a black person fighting their way to the top the same way she did will be someone we'll see the beginnings of at some point. Or maybe that's for a different series with a vested interest in the evolution of

    As someone who has watched the soap opera Days of Our Lives for years, I will say that's the only genre besides reality TV where I am comfortable fast forwarding to the stories with characters I actually want to watch, because I know I'll be able to catch up at some point with what's going on. I could never imagine

    This movie was awful
    Like, horrendously awful. BUT it was also one of the most hilarious "bad" movies I've seen in quite some time. My friends and I were the only ones cracking up at most of the scenes, I think most of the audience just thought it was bad. But the entire ludicrous plot, with the Russians being