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    Fantastic episode
    I'm really rooting for this show… this along with Chuck and Dollhouse and Lost are my genre show saviors at the moment. The jury's still out on Caprica.

    Both performances seemed awkward to me, maybe because they were pre-taped, and so it didn't feel like an actual performance to them. Who knows.

    He's been outed in the media, but it makes sense that while being in the competition he wouldn't come out now — either feeling pressure from FOX or fearing for his future in the competition. But I'm pretty sure Adam was out before the show and will probably be out following the competition.

    I'd love for someone to sing "They're Coming to Take Me Away"

    Chuck on the Run!
    I''m really excited Chuck is on the run now, which I figured would need to happen by season's end because there's no way Fulcrum doesn't know who he is by now. I really really hope the show lives to see a third season, because it's come a LONG way since the first season, and there's only so few

    That's true. Aside from those two seasons of Buffy and Angel, he's never resolved anything "tonally." And even so, they still wrapped up loose threads.

    I think I remember reading that ABC had a problem with the ambiguity the first time around, so this outing it had to be an either or with whether or not he's Cupid.

    One was the Pussycat Dolls featuring Snoop Dogg, "Bottle Pop." The other was "Turnin Me On" by Keri Hilson featuring Lil Wayne.

    The Philadelphia Story is already on DVD, I own a copy of it.

    Maybe you should try that argument on a pop star whose rise and talent wasn't chronicled on a live television show where she did in fact have to sing, you know, LIVE.

    Er, meant to say "above" a C+.

    For real. Absolutely great, and I'm a fan of Long Shot as well. Though Hook Up is the best on the album. It certainly rates about a C+.

    SNL's been awful
    Aside from the opening bits, the show is still pretty much dire. WU is the same, the "guests" that pop up are usually lame. Only Saturday's boasted an entire episode that was consistently funny, but it wasn't as amazing as the show has been in the past — I'm not some SNL fanatic either, I'd settle for

    I reported Oscar to INS…
    He checked out. But I'm still glad I did it.

    I actually loved the cannonball attempted murder. This was probably one of my favorite, if not my favorite episode of the series to date. Last week was setting up the series again, this introduced a lot of interesting new threads, particularly Ned/Chuck getting lives of their own (somewhat).

    Screw you, WB!
    Aside from the great series mentioned here already, I was a big fan of Penn Badgley (Gossip Girl) in Do Over on the WB. It was essentially Big, only a lot more fun with a bunch of 80s jokes. I thought it was surprisingly well-written. Of course, it's only second to two of my most missed WB series —