
"I am convinced…Power Bars taste better…than Luna, even though…I eat Luna….because I am a woman."

"I am convinced…Power Bars taste better…than Luna, even though…I eat Luna….because I am a woman."

whoa, you guys read that book? It was too long. I prefer young adult novels. Or just young adults.

whoa, you guys read that book? It was too long. I prefer young adult novels. Or just young adults.

hey AVCLUB, this guy is genuinely excited about something! Get him!

hey AVCLUB, this guy is genuinely excited about something! Get him!

Lemur, mbs is here and boy is he PISSED

Lemur, mbs is here and boy is he PISSED

that would suck if your real laugh was "har har har"

that would suck if your real laugh was "har har har"

How about a suffusion of yellow?

How about a suffusion of yellow?



plus he invented those exploding blood thingies they use in da movies

plus he invented those exploding blood thingies they use in da movies

It's a time dilation thing. He spends all of his time on rocket ships travelling at velocities approaching the speed of light

It's a time dilation thing. He spends all of his time on rocket ships travelling at velocities approaching the speed of light

The chorus of "The Keepers" is great, and grabbed me by the lapels the very first time I heard it. I always wear clothes with lapels.

I saw it a couple of days ago, and it is pretty good. Nothing new or earth-shattering,but a good, solid, scary hanted house flick. Phipps is right that there isn't much to the mystery, but that doesn't end up hurting the movie. Anyways, I think the modern insistence on "twists" has gone overboard; it only encourages