
I too live in perpetual fear of our office IT guy. I always feel like he's giving me these knowing, accusatory looks when we pass eachother in the hallway

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Oh and I'll add that "Softly, as in a Morning Sunrise" from that same album is one of my favorite jazz recordings of all time. Haunting and completely beautiful, and another fine example of avant garde being not only listenable but thrilling.

Yeah, same here, I was like, well I'm SUPPOSED to like this, right?? But yeah. Creating abstract sound textures might be a cool idea, but I don't want to listen to it. And I'm not even opposed to all avant garde music—-I like some of John Cage's prepared piano stuff.

To completely ignore the subject of the article, man are we in a golden age of boardgaming right now. So many great ones to choose from.

Anyone have 8 hours to kill and feel like a game of Axis and Allies?

Trees that have yet to mature? Interesting, but I fail to see the relev——HEEEEY!!!

Isn't Love Supreme just perfect? His playing on the album is authoritative and right on. And that tone…don't even get me started. It's one of the few later period Coltrane albums that is accessible. I feel like after Love Supreme, he really just left behind anything resembling traditional musical structure; much of

I agree. While there's no doubt that digital music has its advantages—-lack of maintenance and ease of portability being chief among them—-there just isn't a substitute for listening to jazz LPs on a nice home stereo.

I like Tintin, but sometimes the panels are a little crammed with lots of words (yes, I realize how stupid that makes me sound).


Rashida Jones is a classy-looking woman. Like I want to go see a play with her, then get coffee and talk about it.

weedly-weeee, weedly-waaaahhhh

You, sir, are a delight

I like his posts, his schtick is singular. The bits that sound clever, if you plug them into google, you'll see he's lifting them word-for-word from books. Like this:"diversity between them, if in truth existent, seems to be almost imperceptible except in a few crude and exterior ways".

Since he's in there! (the can)

You do?? Well, you really ought to consider releasing him from the can!

I have noticed something: Emma Stone is good looking

I'm starting a band called The Titular WestWorld. Now I just gotta learn to play interesting music and cut records and shit

ooohhhh well, aren't you speciaaallll