
It's dictators all the way down

I about broke my goddamn finger clicking on it, I was like OH SHIT THIS IS GONNA BE AWESOME!

*puff puff*
whew…hey guys, just finally got here! Dawes, amirite??

you will see this dog before you die

Peel, that isn't bad so long as you go easy on the nutella. Any time you can trick yourself into eating whole grains, you're doing a Good Thing.

Yes, exactly. My instincts tell me to pump my fist and cheer on the Roots, but the better angels of my nature say that I'd be engaging in the the sort of hatefulness and vitriol that I decry in the right. So I'm with you.

I'm gonna admit that I find her attractive. I dig the MILFs

spiff, he is in the pocket of Big Non-Baby-Chopping

That song "L.A." from Figure 8 is cool, and all you dudes should listen to it all the time

It's so depressing that there's probably an Elliot Smith song about it


Right, that would drive anyone to mass murder

Love and light huh? Riiiiiiight

Lou Diamond Phillips retuns as Sherriff Emmett Kimsey in BATS 2

Somebody's got to protect Baikushev's Pine from Stallone-related explosions

Christian Bale's going to be pissed when he finds out they're messing with the bat cave.

You can't have a government without having wealth redistribution. A government collects taxes, and those taxes are spent on things. There's room to argue tax rates, and how those revenues are allocated, but "Wealth redistribution" vs "no wealth redistribution" is a false dichotomy (unless you believe there shouldn't

I too have a crippling syrup addiction. I sometimes wake up at 4am in a cold sweat, images of Aunt Jemima hovering over the bed…

I actually feel like this season of Sunny has been comparatively weak. Comparatively, because it still has funny moments and is worth watching, but it seems diminishing returns are setting in. I haven't checked what the cognoscenti are saying over at TV Club, so maybe I'm in the minority here.

aw c'mon now, show a little optimism, it might not end up being that oh fuck it you're right it's going to be awful.