
That picture is burying the needle on my douche-o-meter

What does Krim Krom think of this??

*high five*

I knew it

But is the FBI in the habit of cleaning up after a multiple murder?

May you see Killer Bob crouched at your bedside.

He was on the CBC radio show Q last night and sure enough, it was a good interview. He basically said that if Liam ever wanted to get Oasis back together, he could just hire any old guitarist ("I'm not exactly Hendrix"), and he'd give them permission to go around playing the songs. Jhian Ghomeshi snorted in

oh crap, didn't know the Ventures did a Christmas album. Must find.

topical humor may cause redness and irritation

I used to use "clad in armor" a lot when I was a D&D dungeon master. As in, "you are standing in a dark corridor. At the far end is an orc clad in armor. Suddenly, he attacks you!"

Does the Ed Hardy CEO sit behind his mahogany desk in his corner office wearing a t-shirt with a skull clenching a heart in its teeth and a dragon flying in the background?

"A real woman knows her man needs some time with his porn"

Oh, that's right. Um…you win?

Animals in clothes are cool. I always wanted a chimp butler, who'd dress in one of those butler-suits, and like answer the door and serve drinks and stuff.

So I got this album on AV Club's strong recommendation, and I dig it. It is a little monotonous though, in the sense that the songs start to sound  samey when you listen to the whole album straight through. But yeah, some really cool, relaxed grooves. Better to mix into your playlist than listen to by itself.

I think we should start calling eyebrows "upside-down eye beards"

Didn't Sgt. Slaughter and his band of mercenaries blow that up?

Is there a problem with the earth's gravitational pull?

beast rabin is on a roll today

you win the internet, forever