
Lobsters 1 doesn't like it. Take the article down!

Fairly easy, but only if you drug their Fancy Feast.

buy low, sell high!

I really like that Valerie Plame song.

with wheatfields


but but but—-spam and eggs!

In the name of solidarity, I too will don bells to watch the next episode.

Yup, I don't care what the haters say, she's wonderful and I want to make love to her.

I'm not sure why people hate Starbucks. Good service, attractive restaurants, clean bathrooms, good coffee (yes, overpriced, but hey.) It's not that bad at all.

Yeah, Plotz is funny as hell. There's an amusing segment on today's show in which he speculates what each candidate's basement would be like (Rick Perry's has "terrible things you wouldn't want to know about", and Ron Paul's has a table for impromptu medical procedures.)

I really like the Slate podcasts, especially the Political Gabfest. Smart hosts who manage to be funny and engaging, and obviously the venue lets them be edgier than, say, NPR. It's been great hearing their take on the GOP presidential race.

Baldwin's firmly in the liberal camp, but he's pretty old school and mainstream; he's not an anti-capitalism type.I heard something on the Diane Rehm show this morning about how he was actually speaking out against some of the fringier elements of the occupy Wall Street movement, saying that we ought to keep the Fed,

Hell of a game.Baseball is awesome.

Let's see. A trip to Ikea with Lance Berkman?

that's a lot of adjectives, you Roman you

That picture—-make it stop

I want this on a t-shirt

Right. How often did you hear about Social network, and how great he was in it? And yes it was a good performance, but since little is expected of him as an actor, any degree of proficiency is lauded as the second coming of Brando or something.

This is the correct answer. Everyone else, we have some lovely parting gifts for you.