
The only reunion I care about…
…is Hanks/Scolari! Who's with me?! Eh, eh?

This morning I was drivimg to work and the were interviewing him on NPR. The kept pronouncing his name "Davis" and I'm in my car yelling "Da-vees, you morons, Da-vees!" Then I read this and, bang-zoom, second paragraph. Now who's the moron…

Man, the Greatest American Hero has really let himself go to shit…

No love for the SYR releases? The first two are insanely good. But I still love Goo.

Am I alone in my total hatred for Fountains of Wayne? God, the mere mention of their name makes me want fucken puke.

Well c'mon now, how much does a review really affect yr. decision to buy an album? Since I'm already here I just check to see who has a new one coming out, glance at the review, and go straight to the preview track. If I like what I hear I then investigate further.
That being said, I'm up in the air about this one.

I remember clearly being at the liquor store getting some smokes and while checking out I saw the news on the dude's TV that Ritter and Cash had died. I turned around and added beer and bourbon to my purchase. Went home and listened to the prison albums, but passed out before any Three's Company re-runs came on Nick

I always called them Crimp-shine.

Count me into the group of people that got the first JTB record because it was "Blake's new band". I played it all the time, put songs onto mixed tapes, everything. Later on, I was at my buddy's place when the second one came out and realized "Sweet Jesus, this fucken sucks!"

I thought the same thing, wouldn't that be an LP? I love this guy, and that's saying alot because I usually don't listen to music made by people younger than me. I can't help but be pissed that he's taking the tour to Europe, the East coast, Mexico, but not Texas. C'mon man, you're in fucken MEXICO for chrissakes!

Back in the day when Conan would come on at, like, three in the morning here in Houston, Andy was the shit. I like Max and all, but there is no substitute…

People come up to me and they try to talk shit
Man, I've been making records since you were sucking yr. mother's dick.

Ok, ok, guys and gals. Let's stop all the fussin' and the feudin'. We all just need to admit that Bella, as someone who has lived abroad, has a level of intellect and sophistication that us mouth-breathing Westeners will never be able to achieve no matter how hard we try. She is our cerebral dominatrix and we must

Angry samoan's pic is sexier than Bella's.

Fair enough, yr. honesty is refreshing.

Also, stick out yer can….cos' I'm the garbage man.

Wow! Has everyone gone soft or is it that Bellona has a cute avatar and that's why nobody has completely ripped her a new one yet?

I don't know which part of that story is my favorite.

Man am I depressed now, Tom. First, I work in a bookstore so all this hoopla will become unavoidable. Second, my kids are getting to the age where in a couple of years they'll be into this shit. I only hope and pray that they'll have an epiphany like I did around high school that rejects this crap and sees it for

Am I alone in disliking Bob Marley? I do feel guilty cos' there seems to be such a universal love for the man, but gottdamn do I fucken hate reggae. Which is weird cos' I do like most black music, not counting what passes for R&B or rap these days.