That Robot With the Sweet Tits

Remember the time when Theon first came back to the Iron Islands, had no idea what his sister looked like (but she knew who he was), and kinda got to second base with her?


"Real life is for March!"
Truer words have never been spoken.

Glad someone said it. No guarantee it would have been good, but any game attempting a serious take on a modern conflict is something to be lauded. The closest we ever got was maybe Spec Ops: The Line, but that was pretty far from the realism promised by Six Days in Fallujah. What I imagine in my head is basically a

So people using it couldn't read this article? Wow, they really ARE lucky.

Smooth, why does it never go smooth?!

Are you really questioning a Walking Dead fan demand to see zombies getting killed?


Don't forget the time the Virgin Mary appeared before Paulie at the Bing.


I read this. And yes, it is funny.

Juan_Carlo , it was the weirdest thing, a few weeks ago. I watched an episode one night, and was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed the show. Then a few nights later, I look for it, and it's just gone. Seriously bizarre.

What is dead may never die, but dead or alive, you're coming with me.

Sorry, which Boardwalk Empire character are you talking about? Whole lotta characters get whacked, both on-screen and not.

That was Karen. Andrea actually called her by name, at least twice. Which is weird.

Can't it be both?

Bruce Willis and sci-fi is a proven combination.

Bruce Willis and sci-fi is a proven combination.

Oh you don't know? I thought that everybody had heard.

Oh you don't know? I thought that everybody had heard.