poo and chuckles

Admittedly, not a lot of guts anywhere here.

If I remember correctly, most of the embarrassment surround the nipples, at the time, was pretty homophobic and aimed directly at Joel Schumacher.

Way to straw man my argument by claiming that I only allow for a false disjunction of Oberlin MA or objectified sex doll. Another possible interpretation of my "argument" is that Margot Robbie was playing Harley Quinn, and one shouldn't expect the part to be a bastion of female empowerment. She is the Joker's

You mean this movie doesn't show Harley Quinn completing her Women's Studies MA at Oberlin? Who would have thought that a character known as "the Joker's girlfriend" wouldn't have a story line dedicated to her female autonomy. It must be an attack on Margot Robbie. Only explanation.

Ah-mum Genesh
