Peter H

I see Skupin as the goat over Lisa. She may have been conflicted but she never waffled she told Penner she is straight up voting for him. Skupin on the other hand has waffled and left the door open for his vote to change should he make it to the end he is gonna take the most heat from a jury.

Assuming Abi went next since Malcolm has his idol still if he or Denise won the F5 immunity there is only one direction left for Carter to swing.

Assuming Abi went next since Malcolm has his idol still if he or Denise won the F5 immunity there is only one direction left for Carter to swing.

I feel like we are in a for a huge upset.  The way Producers keep beating the drum of there is no way Malcolm or Denise can lose if they get to the end I feel almost certain we are headed for a Lisa or Skupin win.  Even the Boston Rob and Kim's of this game edit we were given  doubt Malcolm and Denise and Malcolm are

I feel like we are in a for a huge upset.  The way Producers keep beating the drum of there is no way Malcolm or Denise can lose if they get to the end I feel almost certain we are headed for a Lisa or Skupin win.  Even the Boston Rob and Kim's of this game edit we were given  doubt Malcolm and Denise and Malcolm are

I disagree I found her politically shrewed and moralistic with her I would rather beat the best poker player speech. As much as these people e have a right to be pissed off at Abi about a lot of her baivor this season I thought her harping on Abi's behaivor after the reward challenge was almost uncounselor like and

I disagree I found her politically shrewed and moralistic with her I would rather beat the best poker player speech. As much as these people e have a right to be pissed off at Abi about a lot of her baivor this season I thought her harping on Abi's behaivor after the reward challenge was almost uncounselor like and

I don't think she is even the worst player left. Its unlikely  If Skupin and Lisa had went to her and said me you ___ player x in final 4 she would have been like no lets talk in the future. I think she understands the strategic aspect of this game way better then Penner or Carter. I just don't think she realizes that

I don't think she is even the worst player left. Its unlikely  If Skupin and Lisa had went to her and said me you ___ player x in final 4 she would have been like no lets talk in the future. I think she understands the strategic aspect of this game way better then Penner or Carter. I just don't think she realizes that

I actually had thought Denise was probably the odds on favorite to sneak in before tonight .Now not so much, she was incredibly catty  this episode and the way she was arguing with Abi at tribal and stooping to Penner level self righteousness kind of sealed her fate.  Not that I don't think past winners haven't had

I actually had thought Denise was probably the odds on favorite to sneak in before tonight .Now not so much, she was incredibly catty  this episode and the way she was arguing with Abi at tribal and stooping to Penner level self righteousness kind of sealed her fate.  Not that I don't think past winners haven't had

Penner just flushed his game down the toilet this episode what show were you watching. It's actually pretty laughable for him to be shitting on Abi's game when he was just as oblivious to his awful social game in Cook Islands.

Penner just flushed his game down the toilet this episode what show were you watching. It's actually pretty laughable for him to be shitting on Abi's game when he was just as oblivious to his awful social game in Cook Islands.

I guess I am in the minority but I thought for what's been a good season this was easily the worst episode and almost like something out of a Russellcentric or Rob/Phillip centric episode in one of Boston Rob or Russells awful seasons. It felt like 90% of this episode was the Lisa/Penner show. I really thought they

I guess I am in the minority but I thought for what's been a good season this was easily the worst episode and almost like something out of a Russellcentric or Rob/Phillip centric episode in one of Boston Rob or Russells awful seasons. It felt like 90% of this episode was the Lisa/Penner show. I really thought they

Alan how long have you been watching Survivor? If people are being viewed as the "evil 3" it means they are being set up for a fall. Maybe Abi or Artis could end up being dragged as a goat but the fact that they are being edited so negatively means none of them win and they are clearly being set up for the fall .

Alan how long have you been watching Survivor? If people are being viewed as the "evil 3" it means they are being set up for a fall. Maybe Abi or Artis could end up being dragged as a goat but the fact that they are being edited so negatively means none of them win and they are clearly being set up for the fall .

Skupins vote makes perfect sense considering all the glorius chaos this episode  got rolling precisely because Lisa was trying to save him. Better for the dude to stick with someone trying to save him then with 4 people who hours earliers were ok with Penner and him being the next 2 boots.

Skupins vote makes perfect sense considering all the glorius chaos this episode  got rolling precisely because Lisa was trying to save him. Better for the dude to stick with someone trying to save him then with 4 people who hours earliers were ok with Penner and him being the next 2 boots.

Knowing that there has been a lot of  BB style Production manipulation since Probst took over I wouldn't be surprised if   the divide by gender element was a way to try and keep RC safe.