If ya aint get your clothes did at The Gap they take away your white card.
If ya aint get your clothes did at The Gap they take away your white card.
Stop snitching
Stop snitching
How could the Emmys never award King Of Queens that was Citizen Kane of the modern fat guy skinny wife sitcoms.
How could the Emmys never award King Of Queens that was Citizen Kane of the modern fat guy skinny wife sitcoms.
I would watch this show if Gale Boetticher from Breaking Bad is one of the singers.
I would watch this show if Gale Boetticher from Breaking Bad is one of the singers.
Was gonna see it this weekend but then a George Lopez stand up special was on tv so I stayed home to watch that instead. In due time my decision will be looked at historically as the wiser choice.
Was gonna see it this weekend but then a George Lopez stand up special was on tv so I stayed home to watch that instead. In due time my decision will be looked at historically as the wiser choice.
I would argue Abba and Madonna are closer to rock and roll then Foghat. Cant dance a lick to Foghat.
I would argue Abba and Madonna are closer to rock and roll then Foghat. Cant dance a lick to Foghat.
By the same token are guitar oriented rock acts that white people enjoy rock and roll when you can not dance to their music since rock and roll originally was for dancing in the 50s.
By the same token are guitar oriented rock acts that white people enjoy rock and roll when you can not dance to their music since rock and roll originally was for dancing in the 50s.
I am sure if Monica was married to a lawyer or mailman she would have been ignored. CBS Producers have some kind of random obsessesion with putting them in TAR and Survivor casts every other year.
Despite how dissapointing the 2nd half of Nicuaraga was I think at some point Brenda will get asked back and Marty,Jane,Holly and Chase would have outside shots of coming back as well.
Of course Sabrina and Chelsea got ignored at the reunion neither one has a penis.
I totally agree with you. Aside from the dbag Troyzan this was the sweetest and kinda heartfelt group of jurors ever. The finale was moving and entirely different then what usually happens on Survivor. Even that ball of negativity Colton being back on the screen could not ruin it.
I think her explanation to Jonas was a perfect explanation if there was gonna be a "bitter" we are gonna punish Kim jury sentiments Christina would be the one who is the benefactor of something like that bring her sidekicks neutralizes that. And the editing did a good job hiding until the finale how week Chelsea and…
White people in a Seth McFarlene show endlessly quote 80's pop culture moments in lew of charecter development or jokes like this dee dee didi di diiii.
Black people in a Seth McFarlene show are in limbo and endlessly quote 80s pop culture moments in lew of charecter development or jokes like this ..doo dee didi di…
These 3 charecters are annoying now. Ryan,Toby and Kelly should have been NBC's top priority to bring back not them.