Peter H

This season isn't great so far. Like in recent seasons, so much
emphasis of TAR these days is on the tasks. Notice how few route markers
there are now, as they have been replaced by detour —-> clue
—-> roadblock —-> pit stop. Watching teams get from place to
place was such a huge part of the show, but now it is

good list

I thought this show was cancelled when Roddy Piper died.  TMYN

Why in 2011 are we allowing this Ginger Woman free media time to take over our souls with her evil ginger lies.

I miss Rickity Crickets as a gentleman already.

I find myself relating to him more the older I get. After so many doomed relationships I also wonder have I ever really really ever loved a woman even after everything I did I did at all for my ex'es.

I never thought of that way but now I see it. The few women in life who allowed me to have relations with them the sex was quite similiar to The Dougie.

It is a coincidence since no one knew The Bangles are still alive

Nothing screams you are taking the game by the horns and playing smart like  voting off the entitled returning player

If you shared the clue with no one and kept the idol to yourself and went on to make the f3 you have a jury full of people pissed off at you for never sharing info with them.

What an awful move by Whitney and Keith. Either straight up go after Ozzy and blindside him or stick with him until the merge. This is bound to come back to burn them.