
My shuffle fail song is
Another Morning Stoner by …And you will know us by the trail of dead.

Seeing them in Montreal tonight!

Hourrah! A Wire reference in the first 25 posts!

In what universe can a man of Goodman's Jabba-esque girth have a daughter the size of Zooey Deschanel?

Did you catch canceraids from that first encounter?

@Trollin' : +25 internets

Are you, like, being sarcastic dude?

Roger Dudek of Write On The Funny! fame.

A-Jack, is there a link of that Letterman interview?

Worst. Episode. Ever.

It failed miserably.

the first opera.


I am also quite sad they're not coming to Montreal.

Xenu makes me laugh every time he/she/it transmits.

You forgot
to mention that he agrees with the principles of Scientology.

Oh that's why the doors at the Kwik E Mart don't open for me…

Why are all the ex-girlfriends in the frames behind them naked?

La Llorna is the better song off the whole record.

I'm ashamed
I live near Vermont.