
"While the specifics of the storyline are being kept under close wraps"
means that they do not have the faintest idea on how they'll pull this off.

Fun kit
How utterly lame must that Mr Belvedere newsletter be?

Psychic Tranny!
What's with the Psychic Tranny at 0:34?

Yes I believe the picture needed some sort of Alt-text boobie reference.

Ms. Cartwright is not legally allowed to endorse, as her character, any Scientologist event.

So logically, according to AVClub standards,
Donkey Punch > Benjamin Button.

Joaquin Phoenix is way too fat to be on heroin.

I saw the Decemberists while I was alone in Paris. The feeling of loserdom quickly dissipates when the first few chords are struck.

Also, he's got no IMDB credit…unless he was in the Animation Department for the movie Carnivore Reflux.

So do I.

I'll take the Charmins.

And I appreciate your firstie grades and grading process, professor.

to the AVC community for not going with the easy "Once" firstie.

Also, Synecdoche, New York comes out this Friday.

Or Whoopi.

I thought Mark WahlBERG was jewish.

Crazy idea
Here's a wild one for the Lips : How 'bout you record an album, then release it, then tour to promote it?

Creep off
Creepier smile : Jolie on the cover of W or McCain's face contortion that vaguely ressembles a smile?

So am I.

Thanks AG, I would have missed this it weren't for The Hater.