The Big Electron

Blame gets passed around between SOE and a few higher ups at LucasArts. But yet, one of the all-time biggest cluster fucks in MMOs.

I kind of figured this is where Michelle Malkin came from.

An "urban" remake of Schindler's List starring DJ Jazzy Jeff.

Emaciated, beflanneled sadsacks are the logos of the indie world.


Prepare; the Caps Man cometh.

Depends how well they can map Dave Mustaine's bi-polar mood swings.

Get a haircut.

Sam Beam is a peacock!
You gotta let'em fly!

As usual
The world continues to be a mirror image from that of "Undercover Brother".

I thought the purpose of frying chicken was to mask the taste of bad chicken.

We need to be on the lookout for an Adam Sandler project that involves cartoon pigeons now.

There's a lesson to learn there about CGI. CGI in a CGI environment looks fine. CGI in a real-world environment, not so much.

Just a specific critique
Less cave orgy, less Jada Pinkett Smith, more Matrix action scenes.

Just curious
Has anyone caught the rapist yet?

Trying to get the number for Jimmy's former heroine connection is not considered auditioning for Zep. I know they must seem like similar actions but, then again his arms have more tracks than the Siberian Railway.

And practitioner of the Stockholm Steener.

Planters coats their peanuts in that shit. Might as well call it paprika with peanut flavoring.

First Chloe, now Kevin? O'Neal knows not the forces he meddles with.

I'll just have to start confiscating wallets then.