The Big Electron

Oh the Possibilities, you ignorant slut. He's clearly saying we take Buffalo Sojourns.

It's not Bob Marley's fault that college kids are fucking stupid. You should hate them instead.

Mmm, buffalo shoulders.
Where did all of those go anyways? I bet Muslims had something to do with it.

It's all a clever ruse
The Weinsteins will instead feed Joe Francis his parents in the form of chili.

Well ok
If you think he can pull off being creepy.

It looks bloody awful.

Oh come on T-Dog, give it a rest.

If it had been finished, KOTOR2 might have stood with the original in excellence. You can pin that one (and any other SW title's failures) on LucasArts.


I think PD's Expansion Pak requirement killed it for a wider audience. They may have overestimated how many people would pay $50 for 4mb.

Making the combat not be a massive pain in the ass? The audacity!

Got some good'ins this year
I can't feel a little bit sad when I look at Fable and Fallout and go "well, there goes another month of my life".

One guy.
One beer can. And zero escalation. Your title makes it sound like it was an artillery barrage of Natty Light.

I hope you phonies whining about violence against women are taking the time to cut a check to a battered women's shelter today. It's one thing to be self-righteous about this stuff on the Internet, it's another to actually do something about it.

Know what?
I feel bad for that bodyguard. Especially after that imaginary, epic paragraph detailing his ordeal.

Durka durka, Brother Billingham. Durka durka.

Dental Plan!

Two knife throwing competitions?? We truly are the beneficiaries of a bounty of cultural riches.

Damn straight Sheltie. They stayed home and ate their shoes.

Child, please. I'm up to Madden 64.