Sin is the Sea

Ooh, I like the R.A.= Ra/Horus/Egypt angle.
And Sawyer's eyeliner crack made me giggle. I too have grown to like him, which is why I want him and Julie the Riveter to be able to continue their nice little thing they have going without selfish manipulative Kate arsing things up, but I suppose there's no drama in

I was a film major as an undergrad, littlealex, which was even more foolish than being an English major, aka "a very, very expensive book club" as one of my English major friends put it. I'm not belittling your education, it just seems that whatever liberal arts degree you pursue may be edifying, but not very

I hope Kate gets killed off. I never cared for her, but now I'm starting to actively hate her. I think I heard that there are rumors that she's auditioning for pilots, which she denies, but oh please oh please oh please let her die in a fire.
I thought the statue looked like it had pointy ears too, maybe a cat's

I agree with BLLB, don't get too cocky or comfortable there, Brown Hornet. Unless you're Peter Francis Geraci, because douchebags like that are like cockroaches, they could survive a nuclear holocaust.

Why would you have to abandon law school to do an internship 1-2 days/week? I worked full time when I was in law school (which sucks, do the internship).

I'm with Norse God on Patty Griffin. Her songwriting and performances frequently give me chills as well, but I'm still just a little more fond of Neko.

Some people need to chill the fuck out about the little froggie chirp track. Which is, in fact what I plan to do with it…I think it'll be nice to fall asleep to.

Mead is made from honey, at least according to the recipe I have, and vodka is (or at least can be) made from potaters. A dearth of grain needn't have been a hindrance to Icelanders getting their drink on, is all I'm saying.

I don't see Sayid continuing to do Ben's bidding after spending time building a school in that Dominican village. I suppose he could have been in the Dominican Republic to kill some supposed Widmore flunky/someone Ben wanted dead and relief work was his cover, but I don't really buy it. Yes, I have a great

suicide note
Help me out here, maybe I just missed it, but I don't remember seeing Ben take Locke's note, so how did Eloise end up with it to give to Jack?

I'm not much for the theory that Sayid killed Abbadon, I mean why would he? Screwiness of Lost timetables aside, I'm not seeing any plausible chronology, but I'm not fretting about this plot twist too much either. Gotta pick yer battles when it comes to this show.

Sensei, I thought of that too, re: embalming. And I think his lips woulda been stitched together too along with plenty of other gross shit, but it's been a while since I read that book Stiff by Mary Roach.

I was actually thinking only of Ben strangling Locke when I said that. Haven't really given any thought to whether he actually did kill Abbadon or not, and if he didn't, who did. Oof, brain swim.

Pre-pendulum attempts to locate the island is my best guess.

I know Ben's a badass…
…(although he didn't show much fightin' prowess) this episode in taking out Locke, just rat bastard sneakiness, but I just have a hard time believing that if it was Sayid who beat the crap out of him that he would have made it out alive. Although I can't figure out why else this Ilana character

Ben trying to take Locke's place
I know it doesn't make sense that Ben then made so sure to get Locke's body back to the island, but I think Ben was lying when he said that he knew Eloise (knew of her, sure) and at that moment he figured out that she was going to help Locke get back to lead, well, whomever, that's

I have a huge crush on Geoff too.

Polar bear milk.

I'm sure I'm not the only one mentioning a similar memory,
but it was pretty hysterical when they had us watch Zeffirelli's Romeo and Juliet in freshman year humanities class (at a coed Catholic high school, no less - come to think, the whole thing's pretty bizarre, so maybe I *am* the only one mentioning this memory)