
I think they get away with making it "one-note" (not really, IMO, but I know what you mean) because Laura Dern is a good enough actress to do so much more with the character than what is put into minimal dialogue. Watch her face and body language with the sound turned off and you might see what I see.

Was Judy ever confirmed to have some relationship to Josie, or is that just a well-worn fan theory?

Does that make Bobby Adrien Zmed?

I have noticed that a lot of the recappers get a lot of stuff wrong or miss obvious things, but I understand if only because I have attempted to take notes while watching live TV myself and it's difficult even when there ISN'T something going on every minute. It's a real handicap to not have screeners, and I at least

To be fair, it looked to me like she took care to dump her on a lawn. And it wasn't exceptionally normal for Ma to jump on a moving car in the first place.

Still holding out for the planet of creamed corn and Cooper becoming a pharmacist.

it did seem like the least Twin Peaks or Lynchian thing yet on the show…very CSI.

As soon as I saw the kid come out I thought, "David Lynch really must love Grand Theft Auto." I'm glad I was wrong. One kid getting run over is enough for me.

And I agree, he's adorable.
I'd look at his car!

I tried to take it that way, but it was hard for me to make that make sense…unless reading the stars, etc, is akin to reading tea leaves.

Well, sure, but I don't think in the OG show the Boys were ever involved with apparent sorcery in an obvious way…they were just fighting the Woods.

I think part of the issue is that the critic (and most of the critics on the net) have staked their idea of the show's being so amazing on the fact that Lynch has gotten away with so much that is anti-TV. And those episodes ARE amazing, but I think it makes it difficult for a critic to maintain that posture if the

I would bet even money she was involved in James' bike accident.

I was more bothered by the fact that Frank simply accepted without question that a map could update itself on a piece of parchment and that Hawk has had apparent magical powers all along.

Was I the only one reminded of Willy Wonka?

There have been a number of episodes before this where I've said, "This is the most 'Twin Peaks' episode so far," but this really was, in the sense that this is the first episode where multiple characters and storylines integrated in a way where none of them felt like cameos or teases and all of them felt important

You're getting there!

That book is easily 30 years old.

NO ONE will notice all the trashcans and fire-hydrants being knocked over. ;)

This really confirms Affleck's comments that the next Batman movie will be noirish and about his detective skills. Nothing says "stealthy creature of the night" like a giant tank in the middle of an urban environment.