
Ummm. Florence and the Machine did not lip sync. She actually sounds that good live. Her voice is powerful. She doesn't need to open her mouth that wide to create those sounds.

Just finished the season last night. I haven't enjoyed a show so much in a while. It's interesting that even though the majority of the characters under 40 are straight up horrible people, I still care about them and look forward to their inevitable growth.


I am totally team Travis and Laurie. If they don't hook up sometime before the series ends, I will be very upset.

I've never seen Law & Order so maybe that it why, but this episode didn't work for me. It seemed too literal and it lacked continuity in the characters behaviors. Why were these characters doing those things and acting that way and wearing those clothes? Didn't get it.

This show has the best cast chemistry on television. It's a pleasure watching these friends hang out even just for 22 minutes a week.

Give Courtney Cox and Emmy already. While they're at it, give Busy Phillips a supporting Emmy. And the show best Comedy Emmy. 

I'm gonna guess Starburns because he's a writer and has said in commentary that he prefers to be behind the camera.

If only for Burt's T-Shirt I give this episode an A

Britta did it better on Community

This episode was SOOOOOOOO bad. I was cringing while watching it. Every episode is horrible but at least the chemistry keeps me watching but if this was the first episode I ever saw I would run screaming from this series.

Did anyone else notice the look on Britta's face as Troy and Abed were singing The Baby Boomer Santa song. Her face was almost cut out in the corner of the screen but the look on her face was priceless. Someone needs to make a gif of that.

I'm going to miss reading your reviews for a couple months. Hopefully not too much longer. And I have to agree, Boopy Doopy Boopy Doop SEX was the greatest Annie bit since "Maybe I'll just blow off speaking language! Bleep Bloop Blah Blah"