
When does Kanye start rapping?

Did anyone else think BMO hiding and deleting his files looked suspiciously like a junkie trying to get his fix?

I think, AND THIS IS A HUGE LEAP OF FAITH, that maybe as they progressed further into joining "The Eye" (which I assume is when you learn real magic), they slowly started picking up actual magic powers? That's all I got.

Holy shit, I hope we're done with Theon for awhile. I get this feeling of disgust right in the pit of my stomach whenever I see him now. It's like watching medieval Saw. I also don't care one bit about Jon Snow and Ygritte or about Bran. This could just become the Tyrion, Dany, and Jaime/Brienne show and I'd be just

Do you think the writers will make it so Pam reveals that she was bitter all along that when she pursued her dream she essentially failed while Jim was wildly more successful in pursuing his?

Man, I kind of don't want Dwight and Angela together. While Dwight has proven to have some redeeming qualities, I don't think Angela has ever been anything but a hateful person. I also wonder how they'll play the Jim and Pam storyline (obviously they will stay together regardless because stills from the final episode

I'm glad there wasn't a copout with who got pregnant by making her a minor Pawnee citizen. They probably just thought Ron having a baby would be funniest…and I agree!

I have never been more glad for a show that I once loved to end. The quality has taken such a huge nosedive and this season seems like a huge letdown. This whole "New Jim" and Erin storyline completely makes last season WHOLLY IRRELEVANT. Between them and this faux tension with Jim and Pam, everything is just a slog

This episode kind of proves what I've been thinking more and more: Troy and Abed should be the center of the show and not Jeff. At this point, they're probably the funniest duo, and all they need are people to bounce off of. Abed's character seems to have regressed as a real human being, but the duo is still great.

Was anyone else depressed that the Belchers did not prevail in ANY sort of way whatsoever?

I thought the reason why Pam got upset and left wasn't because she suddenly realized her great love for Jim (although she came to that conclusion later), but because she thought that maybe Brian's advantage of being able to hear everything she does gave him an advantage to weasel in to her life.

I agree that the members of the group were probably going to end up with each other, but I don't think Harmon would have ever something that was in your face about the relationships (given what happened between Jeff and Britta) in earlier seasons. Community is still required viewing for me, but it's just slightly off

I actually thought this was the funniest episode of the season. The lack of Pierce and Shirley in this episode and the increased focus on Troy and Abed made this episode really click for me. Although I will say that I am currently not a fan of how explicit the relationships have gotten in this show (Britta and Troy,