
It was smart of JT to do Yogi Bear as an insurance policy for next year in case Social network didnt get him a golden globe nom this year

I think you have mistaken the word 'best' for 'worst'. They mean different things.

Storage Wars
I know it seems like the worst idea for a show ever, but there was a story on This American Life like 6 months ago about storage unit salvagers, and it sounded interesting. I didn't watch the A&E show but I'm sure they've made it adequately terrible.

New Amerykah Part Two anyone? I know it came out early in the year but no one even listed it on their ballot. (sad face)

or maybe i should say "girl"

you guys really have it out for cher today. First the NOW review and now this. Can't a girl catch a break


if you really want to sell your Nicki Minaj outfit you have to go all the way and get the plastic surgery.

so i just saw this and im gay (duh, i saw this) but Kristen Bell is infinitely "fappable" in this movie. Like better she > the internet

doesn't ke$ha deserve an ironic F then??

jim davis forsaw america's struggle with obesity and controlling portion size

I'm like that last baby
for ke$ha though