It is a spectacle. The time I saw them on the Yoshimi tour recreated the sensation of being on ecstasy, for me. I haven't been as blown away by them live since then, but I can see why people just babble about confetti and balloons.
It is a spectacle. The time I saw them on the Yoshimi tour recreated the sensation of being on ecstasy, for me. I haven't been as blown away by them live since then, but I can see why people just babble about confetti and balloons.
I really enjoyed Embryonic. I'm one of the few people who enjoyed At War with the Mystics, but it definitely felt like the end point of whatever death & christmas-type thing they'd been pursuing on Soft Bulletin & Yoshimi. Embryonic was a reset, and it's messy as hell, but there are some great tracks on it.
I really enjoyed Embryonic. I'm one of the few people who enjoyed At War with the Mystics, but it definitely felt like the end point of whatever death & christmas-type thing they'd been pursuing on Soft Bulletin & Yoshimi. Embryonic was a reset, and it's messy as hell, but there are some great tracks on it.
@avclub-d5ab5dc428583f7399c83f71a6a2e9c2:disqus I know your pain, I've completely lost track because there are so few occasions when I can read it. I'm thinking of just buying it as an e-book and starting over.
@avclub-d5ab5dc428583f7399c83f71a6a2e9c2:disqus I know your pain, I've completely lost track because there are so few occasions when I can read it. I'm thinking of just buying it as an e-book and starting over.
Yeah, that was awesome. A few of those locations had a weird emotional charge for me, even just on the video. Made me understand why people go on Smiths tours in Manchester.
Yeah, that was awesome. A few of those locations had a weird emotional charge for me, even just on the video. Made me understand why people go on Smiths tours in Manchester.
It is definitely an issue over here. I'm not gonna say that everyone's aware of stuff like the use of white phosphorous in Falluja and all the birth defects which have turned up as a result of it, but this will still be the key thing Blair's remembered for, and the top line in his obituary. Which isn't much, but it's…
It is definitely an issue over here. I'm not gonna say that everyone's aware of stuff like the use of white phosphorous in Falluja and all the birth defects which have turned up as a result of it, but this will still be the key thing Blair's remembered for, and the top line in his obituary. Which isn't much, but it's…
@avclub-152068f47123dee89897d4af72cc0fff:disqus I came for the friendship, I stayed for the yiffing.
@avclub-152068f47123dee89897d4af72cc0fff:disqus I came for the friendship, I stayed for the yiffing.
"I like cupcakes. I’m very picky when it comes to cupcakes — I think more than Pinkie Pie is. I don’t want to speak for her, but from what I understand, she has a very open mind when it comes to cupcakes."
-Andrew WK
"I like cupcakes. I’m very picky when it comes to cupcakes — I think more than Pinkie Pie is. I don’t want to speak for her, but from what I understand, she has a very open mind when it comes to cupcakes."
-Andrew WK
@Nudeviking:disqus You want a pony? I can get you a pony. Got some high-grade steed, bro.
@Nudeviking:disqus You want a pony? I can get you a pony. Got some high-grade steed, bro.
Kindles just cut down on the number of physical books I haven't got space for, but I still buy a lot of them. The knowledge that Amazon pays zero tax in the UK means I could never fully go over to e-books.
Kindles just cut down on the number of physical books I haven't got space for, but I still buy a lot of them. The knowledge that Amazon pays zero tax in the UK means I could never fully go over to e-books.
I also love to get physical with a book. Particularly Bravo Two Zero.
I also love to get physical with a book. Particularly Bravo Two Zero.
It's weird that the AV Club, which I consider to have in general one of the more chill, articulate commenter communities on the internet, has largely resisted the gradual mellowing towards MLP that's taken place on most of the web.