
I'm too busy enjoying a different kind of schadenfreude.

Hey AV Club why don't you just marry Trump if you are so obsessed with him.

There are fashion industry critics? Jesus, they must be insufferable.

What I'm hearing is cocaine is only as bad for me as red bull and vodka!

Damn her to hell

Sounds hot!

It's actually pretty smart on Eminem's part. He goes out of the way to get his daughter on every album so she will get royalty checks for the rest of her life.

Oh good another Trump article! I cant get enough. LOVE me some Trumpers! I would probably die if I went 5 minutes without reading about trump!

Wow, Michael Moore looks exactly like a lunch lady these days.

Well, he's already got his masters degree in MEDIOCRITY!

I got to 0:33

Because using current political rhetoric as a tool to bully people increases the dopamine levels in my brain and thus makes me feel better about my sad empty life.

SO from what I can tell Portland is like if Twitter was a physical place?

Didn't The Antman just come out? Are Marvel putting one of these shitty movies out every week now?

So like,do we get to see it?

Nice bow-tie deeb!

Would it be rasict to call this Breaking Bad's non union Mexican equivalent?

I guess if NBC can put out something like Hannibal I shouldn't write this off just because its on CBS.

I half expected this story to be a blank page.

Why are they so pale?