The Space Pope

Doesn't look like a good match for the style I'm going for, but thanks anyway.

Especially the short-lived Disney cartoon Bonkers.

I didn't know there was one, though I'm not in the least bit surprised.

Oooh, someone's getting crucified on a cross of gold, I tell you what.

This guy gets it.


I'm afraid I cannot in good conscience condone Matt McGloin's groin pain.


So you made a version of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz that kids can't watch.

I've written a couple of novels that no one wanted, and now I'm going to see if I can get one of the comic book projects I've been working on off the ground. Higher degree of difficulty, since I can't draw.

Different denomination.

You'd think so, and yet He still doesn't give much of a shit about sports outcomes. (Trust me, we've had this conversation.)

I resolve to try once again to get something of mine published. It's never worked before, but what the hell, it's worth a shot.

Turns out it's about a Russian hockey player?

I can confirm with professional authority that Space God has better things to do with His infinite time.

At this point we're kind of used to it. It's just that this year someone actually made the effort to get our hopes up before cruelly burying them out back with a rusty spade.

While as a dutiful Oakland native I cringed along with Derek Carr's awful injury, I do support Matt McGloin, because Matt McGloin is among the greatest football-player names in history. It's goddamn musical, is what it is.

Oh, maybe that's it. I've avoided the spike traps so far, so perhaps I'm… too good at this game? Yes, I'm going with that.

This Week in Siberia: I've been playing Rise of the Tomb Raider, which I quite like. The developers clearly took the criticisms of the previous game to heart and improved on a lot of its shortcomings. More tombs to raid, for instance, and no gruesome death scenes for Lara. I'm still ambivalent-to-irritated around the

I'd have trouble describing anything related to Archie as "sacred," but that's still an unwelcome plot point. Icky and cliched.