Heat Miser

@avclub-a43012a332fc066e7ecf57a9b678fb51:disqus  so then we should just bribe nielson box people to watch what we like?

I thought it was a prostitution joke about charging people upfront.

Last I checked, guns don't need batteries. Real guns anyway. Those light up lazer guns for kids go through 'em like crazy.

That's how you know they only have the viewers' best interest at heart.

That's something I've always wondered about. Do they keep track of the DVR/online views, or are the straight up TV views the only ones? Logically, they all would count the same, but that makes the flawed assumption that NBC acts logically.

@avclub-ae874ab9ccf490d1898aa818dab303f3:disqus I'm pretty sure the last one.

@avclub-993f6ac760ffd6c09413c22f4f4aa627:disqus There can be only one!

I'm just worried they're gonna find a way to fit Jack Sparrow in it somehow

About halfway down that article, they quote from part of an interview with him a few years ago. My favorite line, "I was going to be single anyway."

Hokey religions, not hocus-pocus religions.

Though to be fair, I haven't watched it in a while, so they may have decided on a polygamy storyline.

*Adjusts nerd glasses*
Actually, it's HOWARD and Bernadette's wedding, not Leonard and Bernadette.

Your mom says I have a world-class pianist.

The problem with this premise is that on a bus, people are stuck, but in a concert hall, everyone can just, y'know, walk out the door. This means the only person harmed by the exploding piano would be Elijah Wood…which I'm okay with.

Spot Conlin would be such a better sidekick than Robin. Just sayin'

He's not the newsie New York wants, but he's the newsie they deserve.

This truly is the darkest timeline.

Dang, British shows really do that a lot. There was also Spooks/MI-5, which lasted for more seasons than British shows usually do, but turned over it's entire cast more than once. I'm pretty sure everyone from the first season had died by the last one.

It's the Eye of the Dragon
It's the thrill of the fight
Standing up to the challenge of our riiiivaaals
*mumble mumble*
And he's watching us all with the EEEEYYYYYEEEEE
of the Dragon

I would watch the shit out of a Hot Wheels movie, but only if they were racing on a Hot Wheels-style course.