
> Whomever shepherds the in-the-works sequel…

What about the counter-evidence that was brought up? I remember a discussion on the way the kid would use the knife, as well as the angle the wound was inflicted.

What about the counter-evidence that was brought up? I remember a discussion on the way the kid would use the knife, as well as the angle the wound was inflicted.

LOL JK you thought Darth Vader killed your dad!

LOL JK you thought Darth Vader killed your dad!


Thankfully not too tired to post a reply about it on the comments section.

Thankfully not too tired to post a reply about it on the comments section.

And I doubt it's your first failed firstie.

Seems legit.

"…the show was very strong in general with almost no lulls."

Just as I was beginning to think there weren't enough punctuation Nazis to correct all the mistakes made by internet commenters, I read this.

tl;dr. I'm going to assume this was a failed firstie.

Perfect crossover.

"most likely intending to insert the word “mean” in there and also “shouldn’t,” corrections we offer in the spirit of kindness"

Is it too late to apologize for a crappy first?

First I've heard about it.

Hey Lana.