
I'm already in love with most of the characters. Betty is my fave, and Lizzy Caplan is lovely. I really liked the setup for a friendship between Virginia and Libby, but judging by the final scene and what I know of the real life story, I'm guessing that sadly isn't going to last. Ethan is the worst, hope they give him

I haven't seen most of the other actual nominees, to be honest, including Bryan Cranston (I'll get around to watching Breaking Bad when I can!). But the subtlety of Jon Hamm's performance just gets me, like in the scene when Sylvia leaves him in "Man With a Plan" and his expression changes so quietly from someone who

I took a while to come around to Hannibal and finally started watching it after my friends bugged me to. While I have to say I think I admire it more than I love it, it did some really cool things during the first season and there's so much talent involved on the show. I'm curious to see where it goes next season, but

So agreed. I mean, all the male characters on Mad Men are unlikable in some way or another, but I guess most of them have enough charm that you don't always noticed how terrible they are as human beings. I've kind of thought Vincent Kartheiser has been the show's secret weapon since the beginning. What makes him so

Yeah, me too, but I looked at the ballot before and I don't think he submitted for consideration. He would've really deserved a nod, certainly over the other Mad Men actors who did get noticed, IMO.

There's an alternate universe out there where he's an Emmy winner and Fringe actually gets the recognition it deserves as one of the best sci-fi shows - or hell, best shows period - of recent years. Sadly, that universe isn't this one.

I'd say Jon Hamm was also on his level. I know lots of people didn't like Don this season, but Hamm was so freaking good. I'd argue this was possibly his best season. But agreed on all the Justified snubs. Jesus, that show is fantastic.

I might be the only person who thinks this, but while Mads Mikkelsen and Hugh Dancy gave top-notch performance, I was actually most impressed by Laurence Fishburne. He didn't have the flashiest part (no psychotic breakdowns or psychopathy for his character), but he was riveting when he was on screen and did some great

I love Christina Hendricks, but I have to say that I'm also baffled by her nomination this year. She got almost nothing to do this season, and personally, I think Kiernan Shipka would've deserved it more.

I thought Jon Hamm's best shot was last year, when Bryan Cranston wasn't around, but he still didn't win. Honestly, if the Emmys go all Steve Carell on him and he never wins, I won't be shocked - devastated and pissed, but not shocked.

Gah, do it! I'm not sure what the groupthink on AV Club is about The Hour, but the second series takes things up to another level. I thought Series One was good, but Series Two was amazing.

Justified for everything, especially the writing, which was insanely amazing this year. I'd hoped they would at least give it a guest actor nod for Patton Oswalt or Mike O'Malley or something. Also, one that I haven't seen mentioned yet is the Happy Endings cast. I think the show itself should've been nominated for

So agreed on Vincent Kartheiser. It's a shame that he's the only Mad Men central actor who hasn't even gotten nominated yet, but I guess the Emmy voters just find him too unlikable. His performance has been fantastic year after year, though.

I didn't expect anything for Fringe, so if it somehow did get something, that would've been a really nice surprise, but I can't even get worked up about it getting completely ignored, per usual, because it didn't ever have a chance and the drama categories are always strong. If they didn't nominate John Noble (or in

Agreed. Also, I guess I'm not surprised that Emilia Clarke got nominated, since she had the flashiest scenes, but IMO, if they were going to give GoT a supporting actress nomination, it should've been Michelle Fairley.

Dave definitely started out as the weakest character, but later on, when they started to more fully embrace him as a weird, insanely un-self-aware loser, he got a lot better. Plus, I think Zachary Knighton really sold the character.

/bows head in solemn mourning

I agree. Personally, I enjoyed a lot of season 6, and I think it was better than most other people seemed to think, but it really didn't have any episodes that were jaw-dropping masterpieces. Season 5 had a couple of those with Signal 30 probably taking the top cake, but the end was surprisingly unsatisfying for me.

Seriously, James Wolk's performance was amazing. Just the way he was able to convey all those character traits and convince the audience to feel exactly the way they were supposed to about him (i.e. suspicious) without undermining the complete ambiguity about his character for nearly the entire season deserves some

None of the main actors have won Emmys for Mad Men, and it pisses me off.