Bernie Doherty

Birthday Cake is a better song. Man, they had some great ones. Spoon, Sugar Water, all their stuff's good but Viva La Woman is a classic. I saw them last year when they reunited and had a blast. Very funky. So funny to see two tiny Asian ladies throwing down like rap MC's.

I did like the music, but I feel like it was pretty similar to a lot of dramas these days with the plinky piano plucked violin strings vibe. I couldn't name another example off the top of my head but.

Yeah, I even talk shit about Yoshimi but I have to hand it to Do You Realize. And Fight Test, etc. Because you asked here's my top 5…ten-

Finishing all 250 episodes of King of the Hill, I was struck by the level of quality the show kept up and horribly depressed. I couldn't believe that I had watched ALL of them, even the unaired ones. I remember scanning the list of episodes and thinking YES I found one I haven't seen, only to cue it up and discover

Hell yeah and the video with the muscle man hamming it up on the ooh-wah-wah's is great too. Also my favorite Lips song.

It's funny that the 33 1/3rd book says it's nobody's favorite because it's my favorite, and I don't see how an album with Talkin' 'Bout the Smilin' Deathporn Immortality Blues (Everybody Wants to Live Forever), You Have to be Joking, Magician vs. The Headache, Gingerale Afternoon, fucking Halloween on the Barbary

I thought it interesting that he called him 'this generation's Steve Earle' when Justin Townes Earle, Steve's son, is writing such great country music (Harlem River Blues, Yuma, They Killed John Henry, I Don't Care) and has toured with and recorded with Isbell.

You know how LSD comes on blotter paper? It's because the dose is measured in ultragrams. You wouldn't be able to put enough speed on that paper to get anoticable effect. LSD would keep you up for a day or so, though. I might be wrong, but wasn't LSD scheduled in 1966? I think speed alone can account for much of the