
I just want to discuss what I feel is number one.


I should just come in and say that "Private Dancer" is a pretty good joke.

Gary Anderson raises from the dead, attempts to kick a field goal in the fourth quarter, and, to everyone's astonishment, kicks it in such a way that the ball lands on top of the goal post and stays there.

You know what hasn't been awesome this year? The Minnesota secondary. But we don't GIVE a SHIT.

We have Brett Favre. You are never getting him back. He is going to win a Super Bowl for us, and not you.

Misogynist. Genius. Alcoholic. Messiah.

What's Yr Take On Cassavettes?

I'm a critic, so I guess he's right.

I really wish that AV Club would actually explain why Love Actually draws so much of their ire. I mean, it's not like their initial review annihilated it.

The whole prog rock movement sucked.

I love, love, love Bitte Orca. It's just delightful. I can understand someone finding it annoying, but if you like catchy music, I don't understand how you can dislike Bitte Orca.

Pick one.

Too hip (too jaded?).

"When you state that Song A sucks, you are simply presenting an opinion as fact."

That kind of awareness is exactly what we need in a leader.

Challenging certainly isn't always better, but it's cool to hear a band that doesn't pander to the listener. They just sort of make music.

I always liked Scrubs.
I also really liked Love Actually.

For another Pitchfork fluke, Super Taranta! by Gogol Bordello got a five point something.

Boys And Girls In America>Stay Positive>Separation Sunday>Almost Killed Me>Fiestas+Fiascos>Half Dead And Dynamite>Lifter Puller