Nothing is worse than Nickelback, maybe barring Insane Clown Posse and The Right Brothers.
Nothing is worse than Nickelback, maybe barring Insane Clown Posse and The Right Brothers.
That's what she said.
Kat Williams' role as a pimp named A Pimp Named Slickback is fucking gold. They probably couldn't have gotten anyone more fitting for the role.
I really wish they'd stop advertising using the crotch-punching jokes. The show has much better things going for it.
Worse than Nickelback?
It's not like Jim fucking pushed him. He just backed out of the way when he saw Michael flailing his arms as he fell into the pond. This reminds me of when Jim looked like the bad guy after he ducked when Miner kicked Meredith square in the face with a soccer ball. He's just unfortunate.
Usually with The Office cutaways they show stuff but still have current dialogue on the audio front. Cutaway gags in The Office are, if I'm remembering this correctly, always completely visual. Same for Parks.
I will admit that the cutaway seemed to almost break the rules of the show. Have they done that before? It's basically the same "rules" as The Office, right? 30 Rock can do cutaways, but The Office can't. Or something.
I was skeptical at first, but these miracles work.
The fish. I just lost it.
I was the only one in the room who laughed, but I laughed harder at that line than anything else in the episode. Great fucking line.
When she punched Michael, I became erect.
This episode is a B.
Wow. Way to majorly botch a line simply by switching one word.
Yeah, you BETTER duck.
Well, duh?
Seriously, I've probably thrown up twenty listens to Out Of The Blue today. My word. So good.
I'm writing my weekly review for my paper this week about this album. That first song is, at least according to me, the best that I've heard from this year. I've been listening to it all day.
For the record my "Fuck you, AV Club" was a complete joke.
Favorite line of the episode for me.
"Koi Story".