
What upsets me the most about these villain reveals is that the writers always seem more concerned about the mystery of who the villains are rather than the why. Having the central mystery of each season revolve around just the identities but not the motivations makes everything feel hollow and pointless. I wish

Well, clearly Tripps won't be getting it on with Daisy. Or Simmons. Or May.

Clearly they're going to 3D print Tripp and Hope to life, right? Seeing Hope with Tripp made me want to see her in real life with her two awesome dads.

So Mallory Jansen has played Aida, Agnes, Ophelia/Madam Hydra, and now Nightcrawler. Is there anything she can't do?

What do you call a doctor who deals in mystical mumbo-jumbo and magical cures?
Doctor Oz

B-but, that Tingle outfit! It makes me feel all tingly. They also need to add a Bridge Builder outfit from the Tingle DS game: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

*gasp* Asians!

"I'll never tell." "You'll be soooo surprised when you find out." Apparently Killer Frost's real power is being a metahuman with meta dialogue.

NBC: Not Awful Comedy Thursdays

I kind of wish Julie Haggerty had factored into the conclusion more by claiming that the owl had confessed to her.

Woot, called it two weeks ago: https://disqus.com/home/dis… VMclub/ltigttrial_ampamp_errorltigt_delivers_its_darkest_comedic_moment_yet_as_the_case_makes_national_news/#comment-3242178136

The video game reenactment had me dying. "Die, wife, die!"

I think the fact that they're finally not constantly explaining Anne's disorders makes it more rewarding.

The joke continuity on the show is fantastic. From the hospital having a Cannonball Ward to the e-coli outbreak at Steak 'n' Save, this is really a show that would benefit from a binge watch.

Berlin is on this map!

I want Agent Carter. I don't care if it makes no logical sense, I want her interacting with modern-day SHIELD.

It's crazy how Legends of Tomorrow and Agents of SHIELD had better, more entertaining elseworlds than Flashpoint.

Henstridge either really had laryngitis or is a damn good actor, because the exasperation in her voice throughout the ep was amazing. She really did sound and look like living death.

Netflix Live was amazing. I've always said that I could listen to Will Arnett and his dulcet tones read the phone book for hours, and this was pretty damn close to that. The best parts involved the office worker using her computer.