I kinda want to see it on screen just so we can see her bitch slap Chris Hemsworth.
I kinda want to see it on screen just so we can see her bitch slap Chris Hemsworth.
I don't understand why they didn't get Betty White for all of their game show reboots. Hell, they should've put her on Battlebots, too.
Well, she once gave birth to her own rapist. Maybe they could get Zack Snyder to adapt Avengers #200.
Wait until it does a billion dollars, and all of the other studios jump on the bandwagon like they did after Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows: Part 1. WB are already testing the title, Justice League: Part One: A Batman Story.
I was about to say that this show has the worst handling of time travel I've ever seen, but then I remembered that Legends of Tomorrow existed.
The Rogue Cut of DoFP actually gives the minorities a few lines. They basically discuss how they're possibly giving up their lives to give the white people a better future.
Hey, lately it's also been inexplicably focused on Mystique, and blue people have historically been underrepresented in media.
It would've hit harder if he had actually been part of the team this season instead of inexplicably leaving. Earth 2 Joe's death had more of an impact.
I also took it as an homage to JLU: https://youtu.be/3h7gy2Ydnk…
I liked it, though it felt very, very familiar. I was surprised Joe, Henry, and Cisco didn't hold hands along with Iris to pull Barry out (Wells would reluctantly join in at the end because he's uncomfortable with physical contact). I got major flashbacks to Justice League and Guardians of the Galaxy.
One of them got a last name, but wasn't important enough for a first name, so he's definitely a goner.
The description for the next episode partially spoils how the show is affected by the movie, so stay away from any TV guide descruotuibs if you don't want to be spoiled: http://www.thefutoncritic.c…
Wait until Snyder is done with him.
Given that he effectively put a stop to Iris and Barry's reignited romantic relationship, he might as well have chanted, "Coitus Interruptus!"
I know Wanda is basically the MCU replacement for Jean Grey, but I don't care. I love how crazy powerful she is, and I eagerly await the day she gets to say, "No more Fox mutants."
Here it is in meme form: http://i.imgur.com/COv7ZfN.jpg
Or Utah.
Well, I'm a worse detective than Randy, then. I never once thought it was a green screen, although it's definitely more obvious in stills like the header image.
The best part was he was probably champing at the bit to cover a CW DC show, given how he would make comparisons of AoS to The Flash. But then he ended up getting assigned to Legends of Tomorrow, which I think he hates even more than AoS.
I kind of love how Team Flash's stupidity is rubbing off on him. He's now seen that the Flash is a white dude, knows that there's only one (living) white dude that's close to Joe and Iris, but still hasn't figured out who Flash is. Maybe he and Barry can kiss so he can figure it out.