I love that the plan hinged on a little boy being a cold-blooded murderer. But, yeah, it's sad that even these dumbasses are smarter than Team Flash.
I love that the plan hinged on a little boy being a cold-blooded murderer. But, yeah, it's sad that even these dumbasses are smarter than Team Flash.
I thought nobody would top Jessica Jones in that regard, but the writers of Flash are giving them a run for their money.
He said it was his plan all along to kill himself so the team would trust him. But why kill himself if the final breach is closing anyway? Unless he knew Cisco could open portals since Reverb did, but then why say, "This complicates things" if everything was going as planned?
Anyone have a fanwank for why Zoom said, "This complicates things," after killing his past self? Aside from the obvious explanation that the writers are making shit up as they go along, of course. I guess he might have said it because the final breach was closed, but why choose that moment to kill himself?
As I saw it put elsewhere, somehow they managed to waste both Jay Garrick and Hunter Zolomon in one fell swoop.
The producers shot an alternate ending in case the show wasn't renewed for a second season.
Yeah, she was completely wasted. Introduced in a stinger and then killed two episodes later? It's like BvS levels of setup. My only hope is that Hive will end up assuming her form to mess with Gideon in the future, First Evil style. But then it'll lead to weird incestuous vibes.
I still don't get why Netflix drops all episodes of a series at the same time. I'm a cheap bastard, so I strategically timed my subscription so I could watch Daredevil and Kimmy Schmidt, though it only leaves me 2 days to binge on the latter. I definitely would've shelled out for three months in a row if they came out…
I don't know how big the cross section of Gravity Falls/AoS watchers is, but tonight's episode made me think of an alternate reality where Grunkle Stan brought back Stanford, only for him to melt Mabel as payback.
Doctor Strange looks amazing. His greatest magic trick will be keeping up that American accent for the entire movie.
Yup, I thought it looked incredibly stupid from the commercials, but my boyfriend made me watch it with him and while it is indeed incredibly stupid, some of the scenarios are hilarious. Like you said, the show's focus is embarrassing the hosts (hence the title), and I never get the feeling that the show is…
For a second I thought I had been calling them the wrong names this entire time, but the header image has Sal and Joe mixed up.
Best headline I saw: "Batman v Superman has worse legs than Oracle."
My understanding is that he died of a heart attack while filming the first challenge. Whether the environment exacerbated an existing condition, I have no idea.
Someone died on that very island on the French version, and the doctor later committed suicide. So, naturally, CBS decided to film there.
This is what Neal said on Twitter:
Oh, dear lord, for a second there I thought they actually killed Mack off, especially since he finally got an episode that focused mostly on his character. The worst part was my first thought was, "I'm gonna have to read a think piece about how Marvel keeps killing black characters." Then, upon realizing that Mack was…
I get where you're coming from, but we live in a world where people still say things like:
Did anyone else think that Hartley was off to dinner with Captain Singh at the end of the ep? I was a little disappointed it was with his parents. It was established that his parents disowned him after his coming out, but I don't get how Flash's time travel shenanigans changed his relationship with them.
That's what I thought, too. LoT would've been better served if they kept it to a lean 8-10 episodes instead of the 16 they decided to do.