
I can't imagine how it's possible for Sava to be any more judgmental. They heavily feature a black character and he's instantly like, "Oh, it's only one, and he may or may not be dead." At least now he's hedging his bets after his ridiculous rant about Andrew Garner's "death" on SHIELD.

Hayley Atwell was asked on Twitter if she wanted to appear on Doctor Who, and she replied, "I want to BE Doctor Who."

Was anyone else super paranoid about people dying? I was happy to see Rose with a bigger role. She was a favorite of mine from season 1 just from her "Love the hat" and the way she was ready to pull the trigger on unknown visitors. But now I'm terrified that they'll kill her off by the end of the season for the

Apparently it was Randy. Is it wrong that I want him to show up again just so Madame Masque can kill him or otherwise horribly scar his face?

Glad I'm not the only one who was transfixed by her voice.

My money is on him or Adam Beach's character getting his head exploded first, probably within minutes of their first mission, just to show the stakes.

I'm glad that they didn't fridge Patty, but the storyline just ended up feeling like a retread of the worst Iris plots from last season. I wanted to scream when she said, "Thank you, whoever you are."

Yes. I've convinced myself the show is building up to a finale with all of the speedsters against Zoom. I want to see Barry, Jay Garrick, Wally West, Jesse Quick, Eobard Thawne, and John Wesley Shipp running circles around Zoom to defeat him.

Henry Czerny is amazing, though I found it funny that he chewed less scenery as an actual comic book character than he did on Revenge.

If they're going to use people who are villains in the comics, I wish they'd commit to actually showing them slowly turn evil, because I think it'd be really fascinating to see play out.

Titus damned well better be in Times Square as Luke Cage next season.

"Today We Rise" was brilliant. At first I thought it would be a take on "The Mob Song," but taking on "Do You Hear the People Sing" was even better. A few of the songs this season felt like they needed a few more passes to iron out the wrinkles in the lyrics, but Sid's song was musical perfection. I was laughing

Between the Forest of Coincidence and The Enchanted Forest, I wouldn't mind getting lost in the woods in the Galavant universe.

I was getting ready to comment on how cheap the show was in its depiction of giants, and then they went ahead and revealed it was on purpose. Such a great show.

I'm still disappointed we didn't see Rambaldi alive in that tomb.

Boo, they should've went with Winn in a blonde wig.

The DVD better have uncensored footage of the extra verse that starts with "Off with his pants."

They're so adorable together. I love how they're setting this season up to be more of an ensemble show and managed to give minor characters from the first season some more time to shine.

"Dad said you went into the enchanted forest and never came out."

Plus he was on 30 Rock as a a guy who lived in a "handsome man bubble" his entire life.